Coachbuilt Concepts: Gruppo Bertone in the 60's

What has long fascinated me about cars is their designs. And Gruppo Bertone was one of the first of the big coachbuilders to suck me into the world of design, and also one of the factors that made me pursue a Bachelors of Architecture, dreaming that one day, I could too, influence a whole generation the same way Gruppo Bertone influenced me. Though the 70’s was really when futuristic Italian design came into play with the Countach and Carabo, we have to start at the beginning of the 60’s: The foundation and what Bertone did to evolve from the voluptuous shapes of the 50’s to the wacky wedges and brilliant boxes of the 70’s Going in chronological order, we start with the year: 1960: 1. Ferrari 250 GT Prototype Enrico Wax At the start of the 60's, Nuccio Bertone began looking to set up new deals with more manufacturers. This led to a series of great cars, including this Prototype 250 GT, also known as the Ferrari 3000. The car was a one-off, and it was created on the direct commissio...